3 Biggest Mistakes First-Time Wig Wearers Make

(Updated April 2, 2019)

If you’re slowly being indoctrinated into the wig life, welcome! Human hair wigs are an amazing way to elevate your look, switch things up and give your style game an edge, all without making a commitment. That being said, if you’re just starting out, it can be easy to feel overwhelmed with options. And while only you can decide on what style to rock, why don’t we make your life a bit easier by starting with what not to do when purchasing our first wig? Here’s a list of things that first-time wig buyers sometimes rush into – and regret. 

1. Buying a human hair wig that’s too long

We get it. Long, silky mermaid hair is irresistible and because it takes so long to grow your own hair, who wouldn’t want a super-long, butt-cheek grazing wig to jump start things? Well, bad news. There actually is such thing as a hairpiece that’s too long, no matter how careful you are. Anything longer than 22 inches will be harder to manage for someone who’s still getting used to wearing a wig.

If you’re going for a unit that’s on the thicker side, anything longer than 20 inches will likely be heavy and uncomfortable for first-time wig owners, serving as a constant reminder that you’re, well, wearing a wig. We recommend easing into things with a short or mid-range length if you'll be wearing a wig for the first time.

2. Buying a wig that's too thick

If you have short or fine hair, it's a no-brainer that you might want to jump right into a full, voluptuous hairpiece and declare you’re living your best life. And while one benefit of human hair wigs are the fact that you can score a new look or texture, you can also take this too far. For a look that's truly natural, we suggest opting for a unit that’s no more than 150% density. A density of 130% to 150% is the thickness of an average head of hair, so this is what will ultimately look the most natural. It's also easier to style for first-time wig wearers

Our product listings will tell you each wigs' density, so you can get a sense of how it will look – and feel – on your head. While it’s possible to find wigs that are denser than this, as we do offer a few, it's not always the best option when you’re first getting used to the idea of wearing a wig.

3. Choosing a generic cap size

Human hair wigs are supposed to last long and fit comfortable. It's a big 'no-no' to buy generic cap size human hair wigs. Sometimes these units are described as "adjustable" and sometimes it's just a one-size-fits-all mechanism. But people's heads and faces are not all shaped the same. So why would you opt for a generic cap sized wig?

When you order a unit from us, we ask you to measure your exact head dimensions and then we create a fully custom-fit wig. With Essence Luxe Couture, you get a wig that fits perfectly at no additional cost! A custom cap will help your hairpiece fit snugly and look natural around your forehead, ears and temples. It also makes sure that none of your real hair shows underneath. Measuring takes just a few minutes but it's a key factor in whether or not your unit looks natural, so don't make the classic newbie mistake and forgo this feature.


Sometimes people who are new to 'wig-land' feel there are a lot of steps to consider when choosing a piece, and they're not wrong. Density? Cap size? Lace colour? Do these things actually make a difference? Can't you just buy any and get out there?

But if you’re looking to invest in a high-quality unit and have it last as long as possible while making you look amazinggggg, it really pays to be careful when making all of these decisions. Trust us. Your new look will thank you for it.

Shop our custom-fit, handmade human hair wigs.

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